I was just about to write in my journal when I decided “Why not write my entry here and share it with you fine people?”
OK then — what have I been up to on my second day in Hong Kong:
I’m staying in Kowloon, in a place on the 31st floor. It’s a bit windy today, in fact when I mastered the public transport and took myself off to the Star Ferry area, I found this warning:

What else have I been up to? Yesterday I treated myself to ‘high tea’ at the Peninsular Hotel.

and in the morning today I went and had a Reflexology session in a local parlour. Hmm, I was very dubious at first – I mean, wouldn’t you be if you saw this doorway?
But it was a very enjoyable 60 minutes, very clean inside and boy do they know how to massage feet (even if I had to make myself understood by pointing at my feet and miming ‘massage’).
Tomorrow? I’m going to be a real tourist and go on a bus tour of the city: Stanley Park & Markets, the Peak, etc.
Let’s see about the light show on Victoria Harbour on Saturday – I have plenty of time to turn my thoughts around.